Opis projekta
Postanite i Vi deo našeg tima i priključite se kampanji Run and Walk 4BELhospice.
Vašim učešćem u ovoj humanitarnoj akciji, pomoći ćete BELhopsice centru da nastavi da pruža besplatnu podršku pacijentima obolelim od kancera, a time i poslati snažnu poruku – da nisu sami.
Trčite ili šetajte gde god želite, tačno mesec dana, i sakupljajte kilometre preko aplikacije PACER. Prvih 500 prijavljenih će dobiti majice sa logom kampanje Run and Walk.
Nagradićemo po 10 učesnika iz cele Srbije sa najvećim brojem pređenih kilometara 20. novembra i 20. decembra 2020.
Učešće u ovoj humanitarnoj akciji, možete uzeti uplatom kotizacije na račun BELhospice centra za palijativno zbrinjavanje i medicinu, koja iznosi 1.000 dinara.
Broj računa je: 325-9500600025663-79, a svrha uplate: Run and walk.
Uplatu, takođe, možete izvršiti online na platformi Donacije.rs
Nakon toga, pošaljite dokaz o uplati preko Vibera na broj telefona: +381 69 806 45 88 i dobićete kod za grupu u PACER-u.
U ovoj akciji mogu učestvovati svi pojedinci iz cele Srbije, kao i iz celog sveta.
Hvala vam što ste uz nas i za one kojima smo najpotrebniji!

Troškovi angažmana 2 medicinske sestre i 1 negovateljice za mesec dana: 251.000 RSD
Become part of our team and join the Run and Walk 4BELhospice campaign. By participating in this charity activity, you are helping BELhospice centre to continue to provide free of charge support to cancer patients, sending a strong message at the same time – that they are not alone.
Run or Walk wherever you like, for exactly one month, and collect kilometres via PACER app. The first 500 people who register will receive T-shirts of the Run and Walk campaign. We will award the 10 participants from all over Serbia with the highest number of covered kilometres on the 20th November and 20th December.
You can register for this charity activity by paying a participation fee in the amount of 1.000 Serbian Dinars into the account of BELhospice centre.
Account number: 325-9500600025663-79, reference: Run and walk
You can also make the payment online through Donacije.rs platform.
Please send proof of payment via Viber to telephone number: +381 69 806 45 88 and you will receive a code for the group in PACER.
All individuals from Serbia, as well as from all over the world, can participate in this activity.
Thank you for helping us and those who need us the most!