Opis projekta
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Da li znate da svaki peti učenik uzrasta od 12 do 19 godina nosi neko oružje? A da je 21% njih učestvovalo u grupnim tučama koje su rezultirale nanošenjem lakih ili težih telesnih povreda, svaki šesti izjavio da je izvršio običnu krađu, i blizu jedne četvrtine njih konzumiralo drogu? Ovo su rezultati istraživanja sprovedenog pre nekoliko godina u okviru Međunarodne ankete samoprijavljivanjem delinkvencije među učenicima osnovnih i srednjih škola u Beogradu i Novom Sadu.
Jedini Dnevni boravak za decu i mlade sa problemima u ponašanju u Beogradu, usled nedostatka finansijskih sredstava za funkcionisanje, mogao bi da se ugasi krajem aprila. Ugasiće se čak i psihološko savetovalište, koje je njegov najvažniji deo. Deca sa izraženim asocijalnim ponašanjem, deca koja su došla u sukob sa zakonom, koja ispoljavaju probleme u ponašanju u školi i porodici, kao i roditelji ove dece mogli bi da ostanu bez mesta za pružanje sveobuhvatne stručne podrške radi postizanja pozitivnih promena. Za ovu decu i njihove porodice, Dnevni boravak je druga šansa. To vi možete da im omogućite.
Maloletni Saša (17 godina) imao je dugu istoriju problema u ponašanju. Koristio je, ali i preprodavao drogu. Rad sa njim u IAN-u bio je usmeren na psihološko savetovanje i podršku u učenju uz koju je nastavio školovanje i stekao diplomu ugostitelja. Od kako je došao u IAN nije više učinio nijedno krivično delo, odnos i komunikacija sa roditeljima su znatno popravljeni. Mnogo je staloženiji, odmereniji. Danas radi već dve godine i samostalno se izdržava.
Maloletna Svetlana je bila odličan đak i uspešna sportistkinja, imala je budućnost u obrazovanju i sportu. Vaspitni stil roditelja doveo je to toga da Svetlana počinje da beži iz škole, napušta sport i zloupotrebljava drogu. Dolazi u rizik da uđe u krug zavisnosti. Kada smo je upoznali nije videla smisao života i nije joj bilo važno šta će biti sa njom. Uz podršku IAN-a maloletna Svetlana nakon dve godine intenzivnog tretmana prestaje da se drogira, vraća se u školu i planira svoju budućnost.
Saša i Svetlana su samo dvoje od nekoliko stotina dece čiji su životni putevi zasigurno drugačiji nego što bi bili da nije bilo IAN-ovog Dnevnog boravka. To će potvrditi i deca i roditelji koji su bili deo programa. Rezultati pokazuju da, ukoliko se ponudi kvalitetan program, socijalna i psihološka podrška i sredina u kojoj se osećaju prihvaćeno, deca i mladi mogu da izmene svoje obrasce ponašanja, izgrade pozitivne stavove prema obrazovanju i radu. Ovakvim pristupom se izbegava kažnjavajući model i nudi se alternativni odgovor društvenog okruženja kojim se ova deca i mladi ne odbacuju i ne kažnjavaju već osnažuju i podržavaju u usvajanju pozitivnih ponašanja.
Udruženje IAN je 2012. započelo intenzivan rad sa decom i mladima sa problemima u ponašanju uzrasta od 7 do 22 godine, kao i članovima njihovih porodica. Kroz sveobuhvatan program radi se na sprečavanju napredovanja ozbilјnijih oblika problema u ponašanju i dalјeg vršenja krivičnih dela kod maloletnih učinilaca krivičnih dela. Do sada je preko 500 dece i članova njihovih porodica učestvovalo u pažljivo odabranim i strukturisanim aktivnostima. Sa njima su svakodnevno, intenzivno i srcem radili savetnici, specijalni pedagozi i psiholozi, učili ih različitim veštinama, životnim i profesionalnim, razvijali toleranciju, pozitivan stav prema radu, učenju i kulturi.
Te aktivnosti obuhvataju:
1. Psihološku podršku deci i porodici (individualni savetodavni rad sa decom i roditeljima);
2. Edukativne programe (psiho-edukativne radionice za decu i za roditelјe, škole roditelјskih veština, kursevi socijalnih veština, računarske pismenosti, za aktivno traženje posla uz podršku mentora);
3. Klub za mlade (raznovrsne aktivnosti koje imaju za cilј pospešivanje socijalizacije, timskog rada i međusobnog uvažavanja mladih uklјučujući radionice, sportske aktivnosti, posete kulturnim i umetničkim programima, aktivnosti u prirodi);
4. Pomoć u učenju (podrška deci i mladima da ostanu u sistemu obrazovanja)
Od 2014. IAN-ov Dnevni boravak je postao socijalna usluga licencirana od strane Ministarstva za rad, zapošlјavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja. IAN je prva neprofitna organizacija u Srbiji koja je dobila ovu licencu, a ovo je jedini Dnevni boravak ove vrste u Beogradu. Rad beogradskog Dnevnog boravka sa ovom grupom dece i mladih finansirao se isključivo projektno, ali je to sada prestalo. I radiće još mesec i po dana.
Naš cilj je da uz vašu podršku omogućimo 4 meseca psihološkog savetovanja i podrške deci sa problematičnim ponašanjem i njihovim porodicama. Za to nam je potrebno ukupno 488.000 RSD.
Sada budućnost ove dece i njihova druga prilika zavisi od vaše podrške.
Ukupan trošak zarade za 2 stručna radnika
35.990,00 RSD (neto) + 22.020,00 RSD (porezi i doprinosi) = 58.010,00 RSD
58.010,00 x 2 stručna radnika x 4 meseca = 464.080,00 RSD
Markica za prevoz
2.990 RSD x 2 stručna radnika x 4 meseca = 23.920,00 RSD
UKUPNO: 488.000,00 RSD
Did you know that every fifth student aged 12-19 carries a weapon (stick, knife, chain, pistol), 21% of the students participated in group fights that resulted in inflicting light or heavy bodily injuries, every sixth student reported that he/she performed a common theft, close to one-fourth of them consumed drugs. These are the results of a survey conducted several years ago within the International Self-Report Delinquency Study among primary and secondary school students in Belgrade and Novi Sad.
The only Belgrade-based Day Care Centre for children and youth with behaviour problems is about to close by the end of April due to lack of financial resources. Even the psychological counseling, the Centre’s core activity will be shut down. Children with pronounced asocial behaviour, children who have come into conflict with the law, who exhibit behavioural problems in school and family, as well as the parents of these children, will be left with no place where they can get comprehensive professional support in order to achieve positive changes. They will be left with no place in the community where intensive work is performed with these youth to support them in overcoming crises, bad habits, violent behaviour and help them get out of the whirlpool of delinquent behaviour. For these children and their parents Day Care Centre represents a second chance. You can make it possible for them.
Sasha (came to our Centre when he was 17) had a long history of behavioural problems. He was a drug user, but also a drug dealer. Our work with him in IAN was focused on psychological counselling and support in learning thanks to which he continued his education and obtained a diploma from the School of Hospitality. Since he came to IAN he has not committed any new criminal offenses, the relationship and communication with his parents have been substantially improved. Today, he is much calmer, steadier. For two years now he has been working and providing for himself.
Svetlana (a minor when she came to IAN) was an excellent and successful athlete; she had a future in education and sports. The parents' parenting style led to Svetlana starting running away from classes, leaving sport and abusing drugs. She came at risk of entering a circle of dependency. When we met her, she did not see the meaning of life and did not care what was going to happen to her. With the support of IAN, Svetlana, after two years of intensive treatment, stops taking drugs, returns to school and plans her future.
Sasha and Svetlana are only two out of a few hundred children whose life paths are certainly different than they would have been without IAN's Day Care Centre. This may be confirmed by the children and parents who were a part of the program. The results show that, if a quality program is offered, along with the social and psychological support and the environment in which they feel accepted, children and young people can change their behaviour patterns, build positive attitudes towards education and work. This approach avoids the penalizing model and offers an alternative response of the social environment that does not reject or punish these children and young people, but empowers and supports them in adopting positive behaviours.
International Aid Network (IAN), a non-governmental organization, in 2012 started an intensive program for children and youth with behaviour problems aged 7 to 22 and their family members. The comprehensive program is aimed at preventing the progression of more serious forms of behaviour problems and criminal offences by juveniles. So far over 500 children and their family members have participated in carefully selected and structured activities. IAN counsellors, special educators, psychologists and skills trainers worked with them daily, intensely and devotedly, teaching them different skills, both life and professional, helping them develop tolerance, positive attitude towards work, learning and culture.
The activities include:
1. Psychological support to children and families (individual counselling with children and parents);
2. Educative courses (psycho-educative workshops for children, parenting school, computer courses, social skills courses, active job-search courses with mentorship);
3. Youth Club (versatile activities aimed at promotion of socialization, team work and mutual respect, including sports, visits to cultural and artistic program, outdoor activities);
4. Help in learning (supporting children and youth to stay in education system)
Since 2014 the Day Care Centre fulfilled the standards defined by the state and has become a social service licensed by the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs. IAN is the first non-profit organization in Serbia to obtain this license, and this is the only Day Care Centre in Belgrade of this kind. And it will be functioning for another two months. Day Care Centre was so far exclusively financed through projects, but this funding has finished now. It will operate for another month and a half.
With your help, our goal is to ensure 4 months of psychological counselling for children and youth with behavior problems. For this we need in total 488.000 RSD (4.050 EUR).
At this moment the future of these children and their second chance depend on your support.